Saturday, December 23, 2006
OMGOMGOMG. a miracle! :D
my blog is
revived! hahaha xD
i decided to revive my blog cause i-don't-know-why i just felt like i wanted to hahah! okay cannot accuse me of pangseh-ing my blog now all you uhh taggers :D
anyway, been pretty busy and realllly tired lately! all because offff a certain school requirement that makes us do
work attachments (yes, so boliao rights -.-) at a company/shop of your choice! aaand because i wanted a short but high-paying one i chose isetan katong, which is at parkway parade. and i live at guess where,
yio chu kang which means likeee one plus hours of bus-riding to parkway! sucks laaaa stupid boring useless bus trips ): waste my precious time can! at least got 76 which is a direct bus xD
some of them don't even have tv mobile ): no more just for laughs! i miss watching just for laughs on 105's tv mobile on the way home from school hahah omg what a random thought :D but it's very stupidly funny okay! (:
anyway, i was supposed to work at customer services at isetan. which means to deal with isetan priviledge card, isetan credit card applications as well as gift voucher purchasing. and sometimes help out at the nearby cashier as a
packer! :D omg i love packing lahhh can see what everyone else buys xD but i tell you ah 80% of the stuff bought is... (insert drumroll)
lingerie. -.-
ohoh i made alottta new friends working at isetan :D alot of them waiting for o-level results or took n-level results already gng back to school once 2007 starts! all reallly nice and sweet people <33 uhhh there's kai1xin1guo3 amanda (my very first around-same-age friend i made!), winnie, audrey, wei chong, mas, si yinggg, angie and alot of them whose names i forgot woops :D
but then ah, cause customer services had enough people already! so they sent me & michelle (my cutesy-wootsey senior, whom coincidentally happens to be in the 54FDW cmps group :o) to work at mangoooo :/ it was pretty fun the first few days lah. but once you spend like 10+ days there, it really gets damndamndamn SIAN and you feel like killing yourself breathing in all the winter-season-clothing fleece and lint and stuff ><
APPEAL TO ALL SHOPPERS :Dnext time when you go shopping and try out clothes or see clothes ah, mustmustmust fold back okay :D do the pooor staff a favour! yes i know they get paid to fold clothes but it would be really nice and sweet of you to fold back xD and the staff really appreciate it! cause it gets pretty frustrating at times when people just look at it for a few seconds then dump them everywhere ): JUST AFTER you folded it so nicely and perfectly.
this is especially true during sale periods man, when the whole shop just looks like a tornado's run through! ohhh if you didn't already know mango's now having their annual winter sale :D up to 50% off hahah!
i tell you ah, i can memorize the whole mango winter catalogue and each apparel's threadcount (okay maybe not haha!) already! fold clothes for like 10 hours everyday :/ ohoh btw, 3 people have stolen stuff from mango during the course of the saleeee. and they all kena caught! serves them right. didn't get to witness any of it lahhh, cause it all pretty much happened at the cashier/fitting room area and i was assigned to fold clothes towards the back/middle of the shop. ): so sadddd, would have been cool to watch!
zz okay my fingers damn tired leh! hahaha. anyway going for christmas outreach later at church wooots xD supposed to have work today but, i called for leave luh. i think they'll dock $80 off my total pay which is
SIAONESS but i don't really care :D i'd much rather go for christmas outreach! anyway, tmr is my last day of worrrrk! as much as i hate folding clothes, i'll miss the people there! ): must get all their contacts/email adds! xD
oooh btw i'm going to hongkong from the 25-30 december yay xD can't wait to try their famous mango pudding thing from shui liu shan or sth like that and egg tarts anddd dim sum omg xDD haha omg i'm damn hungry now. and go shoppingggg xD
zzz my fingers really damn tired this post really SUPER LONG hahah! XD shall go now tooooodles xD God bless!
anddd uhhh
MERRY-EVE-OF-EVE-OF-CHRISTMAS everybody! xD so sad i won't be in singapore for christmas ): but i hope the christmas spirit in hong kong's good xD
p.s. recommend me places to visit in hk leh xD i know alotalotalot of people are gng hk maybe i'll meet someone i know hahaha!
and i'll keep you my dirty little secret.
11:14 AM